Building Lifelong Relationships | John Houston Homes

12 Home Office Storage Ideas

Written by Whitney Pryor | Sunday July 1, 2018

12 Home Office Storage Ideas

For families that often work from home, having a home office is a necessity. The best way to create a productive home office is to focus on your needs and the amount of space that you have. At John Houston Custom Homes, we understand the importance of taking the time to find organizational tools and items that help make life easier.


1. Built In Storage Unit

Investing in built-in storage units is a wonderful idea when it comes to getting organized in your home office. How perfect is this built-in unit in our South Pointe model home?


2. Portable Cart

Having a portable cart is an inexpensive organization tool that can be used in any room of your home, not just your office.


3. Receipt Jar


Does anyone else fall into the trap of accumulating receipts in areas such as your car, wallet, and even your desk area? Using an extra jar that you may have in your kitchen is a perfect way to keep track of your receipts!



4. Power Cord Labels


Sometimes it can be a tad bit frustrating trying to figure out what cords go with what devices. Before throwing those bread clips away, save and use them to label your power cords.


5. Cork-board Wall


Cork-boards have been been popular for quite some time now but have you ever tried creating an entire cork-board wall in your home office? This is a unique approach that will really assist in getting all of those important document and photos off of our desk and easily accessible. 


6. Hanging Lamps


Hanging lighting is a wonderful option and limits the amount of cords that often clutter office areas.


7. Filing System


One of the most practical and useful organization tools for filing are storage cubes.  


8. Drawer Organizer


Organizing the drawers in your home office is very important. Desk drawers can often become a black hole and it can be extremely easy to loose important documents or tools. 



9. Desk Organizer


Having a desk organizer is another necessity that has a direct impact on your work space. Creating a desk organizing system ensures that everything has a place. Target is a great place to take a look!



10. Wall Organizer


Wall organizers are great regardless of if you have a ton of space on your wall and even if you have a limited amount of space. Wall organizers do a wonderful job in aiding when it comes to maximizing your office space. 


11. Wall Calendar


If you are visual, purchasing a calendar is a must! Not only is having a wall calendar an excellent way to stay on task, but it is a great point of reference for anyone that walks into your home office.



12. Desktop Organizer


Last but not least, desktop organizers are perfect for belongings that need to be easily accessible on your desk. Desktop organizers is another resource that can be used in making sure that all of the belongings in your home office, having a home.

We hope that you enjoyed reading this week's blog post.